Many think commonfractions vulgar, but they are the components of millions.
Commonfractions may often be changed to decimals very readily, and the calculations thereby made much easier.
Uso de centesimal en inglés
Examples of method of calculating a centesimal position:-
The dip of the needle at the Silla was one centesimal degree less than in the town of Caracas.
The magnetic dip is always measured in this work, according to the centesimal division, if the contrary be not expressly mentioned.
But, on looking around, he found a bottle of the second centesimal trituration; and I said to him: That will answer.
As to the centesimal formula and the intimate structure of the different protoid substances, they could be considered as closely brought together.
In the seas of the tropics we find, that at great depths the thermometer marks 7 or 8 centesimal degrees.
According to M. Galesio, these trees, less tender than the lemon and bergamot orange trees, freeze only at ten centesimal degrees below freezing point.)
5 in a class of 27 children; what is his centesimal graduation?